Track your Order

Looking to track your order? When your order ships out, you will receive a Shipping Confirmation email from us with your tracking number included in it. Depending on the product ordered, the e-mail could take up to 7 business days to be sent. Once you receive the email, follow these steps to easily check on your delivery status.

1. Visit the website:

2. Enter Your Tracking Code, provided in the Shipping Confirmation Email.

3. Click the “Track” Button.

 Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Order Numbers don’t instantly update with available Delivery Status. If your tracking number entered shows that it is currently unavailable, do not be alarmed – Your order has been shipped out and is in transit to the local post office prior to reaching you. Tracking should update within a few business days.

For any further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be more than happy to assist you. Happy shopping and keep spreading love!

- Refiner Store Team


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